We Can Help You With:
Managed Web Hosting Brings Peace of Mind
Website & Email Hosting can be a nightmare for many, and a completely misunderstood thing by so many more. The myriad of terminology around everything can be quite confusing to say the least.
This is the #1 reason we do things a little differently here at Aaru Canada. Our web hosting package is simple and easy. One size fits all, managed hosting, where we are hands on to help you get what you need out of your hosting without any of the stress associated with it.
Optimized for Speed and Secured with the Latest Software
We optimize our Linux based servers for WordPress and other CMS so your site loads exceptionally fast. We also include all the security anyone could ask for. Distributed DNS, Firewall and Optional Web Application Firewall, Antivirus scanning and not a limit in site. Our servers run the latest versions of PHP, MySQL and are lighting fast. Never worry about things like bandwidth, throttling or space again. We even provide up to 3 weekly backups of your website to keep you running even if something goes wrong. You'll even have access to your own control panel so if you want to make any changes, you can.
At Aaru Canada, we don't just leave our clients to fend for themselves. We utilize the very best and latest technologies to ensure your websites are secured from all sorts of online troubles. Front line security includes keeping our servers up to date and only using the very latest tried and true software so your web applications minimize the risk of attacks and errors.
Next level firewalls, and DDOS mitigation servers, combined with online antivirus scanning, web application firewalls and alert systems make sure we know what's coming before the trouble starts. Finally, our hands on approach through backups and ongoing testing ensures nothing ever goes amiss, and if it does we can easily undo it and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Canadian Based Servers for your Data Compliance Needs
Managed No Limits Web Hosting
Monitored and Secure Linux Servers running the Latest Software Versions
Backups Included with Every Account
We also screen our clients well and ensure there is no illicit, illegal or websites that are hogging resources that you vitally need. If there are any violations to our terms of service the infringing website will be suspended immediately to ensure none of our client IP's are ever blacklisted.